Chapter 1
Chapter's name: Realization.
Chapter's description: A mistake can cost too much....
1. Low: The first thing to look at is the…
- Cover page. - uninfluenced
- Table of Contents. - uninfluenced
- Library card. - uninfluenced
- That's all for now. - the end
If you have Mind is ≥ 10 - The path of Mind
If you have Heart is ≥ 10 - The path of Heart
2. Low: What's the best thing to do?
- Behave transparently. - uninfluenced
- Behave secretly. - uninfluenced
3. Low: Did someone want me to find it? Or not? It's...
- ...a coincidence. - uninfluenced
- ...not a coincidence. - uninfluenced
- ... a mistake. - uninfluenced
4. High: "..."
- Go back for the candle. 18 neon - uninfluenced, move to 5
- Keep walking. - uninfluenced, move to 6
5. Low: Now the mansion seems even more...
- ... mysterious. - uninfluenced
- ... interesting. - uninfluenced
- ... dangerous. - uninfluenced
6. High: It's worth taking a closer look at the...
- ... names. 30 neon, +2 Trust, move to 7-8
- ... pictures. - uninfluenced, move to 9
7. Medium: "..."
- They're beyond suspicion. +2 Trust
- I'm still suspecting everyone. -5 Trust, -5 Redemption
- It's hard to draw conclusions. -5 Trust
8. Medium: I should...
- ... look at the pictures. - uninfluenced
- … finish my inspection. - uninfluenced
9. Max: What should I do?
- Take the stone. 35 neon - uninfluenced, then: You have proof that your words are true!
- Leave now. - uninfluenced
10. Low: ".."
- Don't leave me. - uninfluenced
- Help me. - uninfluenced
- Protect me. - uninfluenced
If you have Redemption is ≥12 - The path of Redemption
If you have Redemption is ≤12, If Wrath/Lust/Pride prevails (Numeric values may range from 1 to 7 stats) - the path of Wrath/ the path of Lust/ the path of Pride
11. Max: "..."
- Tell 'em what I saw. 35 neon, +2 Trust
- Lie that I don't remember anything. - uninfluenced
If you have previously chosen "Take the stone." - You have proof that your words are true!
12. Medium: "..." (The choice is available if you have Dave is ≥13)
- Okay, I won't. - uninfluenced
- What makes you think I worry about you? -1 Dave
- Just be careful. +1 Dave
If you have chosen "Talk to Rose" in the chapter 8 - Thanks to you, Mrs. McHerb found the courage to live on. +1 Redemption
If you haven't chosen "Talk to Rose" in the chapter 8 - Perhaps you should have been more attentive to the feelings of others. -1 Redemption
13. Low: "..."
- How much time do I have? - uninfluenced
- Is it that bad? - uninfluenced
- Do I have a chance? - uninfluenced
14. "..."
- Ask about the shop. 20 neon, +1 Sue
- Ask how she's feeling. 15 neon, +1 Sue
- Keep talking about myself. -1 Sue, +2 Pride
If you have chosen "Ask about the shop.":
If you have chosen "Want to find out more about the antique dealer." in the chapter 6 - Thanks to you, Sue's business is doing better. +1 Sue
If you haven't chosen "Want to find out more about the antique dealer." in the chapter 6 - Unfortunately, you didn't manage to get the number of a valuable supplier for Sue.
Chapter 2
The chapter's name: Wrath.
The chapter's description: Anger is the poison you drink, expecting the other to die.
1. High: ...
- It's worth checking out. +1 Mind
- It's unnecessary. -1 Mind
2. High: ...
- Skip the spiel. -1 Mind -move to 4
- Read intently. 40 neon, +5 Trust, +2 Redemption - move to 2.1
2.1 Medium: ...
- Don't turn away. - uninfluenced
- Come over here! +1 Wrath
Talk to me. +1 Redemption
2.2 Medium: ...
- Remind her that she's cheated in past relationships. 20 neon, +1 Trust
- Remain silent. - uninfluenced
2.3 Medium: ...
- Talk to a girl. +1 Dave
- Talk to a man. - uninfluenced
3. Medium: Is it all her fault?
- Yeah, I'm sure. +1 Pride
- I don't think so. +1 Trust
4. The choice of clothes:
- Cardigan and pants. - uninfluenced
- Cardigan and dress. 25 neon, +2 Trust
- Dress. 35 neon, +2 Trust
- Sweater and cape. 25 neon, +2 Trust
5. The choice of hairstyles:
- A high bun. - uninfluenced
- Bright bob. 15 neon, +1 Trust
- Two buns. 20 neon, +1 Trust
- Curls. 20 neon, +1 Trust
6. Low: ... (The choice is available if you only have love line with Dave)
- We're just talking. - uninfluenced
- I don't know what you're talking about. - uninfluenced
- Huh? What is it? - uninfluenced
7. Low ... ( The choice is available if you haven't had the interactions with multiple favorites)
- You don't trust me? - uninfluenced
- What's bothering you? - uninfluenced
- You don't trust the people around you? - uninfluenced
8. Max: ... (The choice is available if you've had minor interactions with a few favorites)
The choice of love character will become final!
- ... Zack. - uninfluenced
- ... Sue. - uninfluenced
- ... Edwin. - uninfluenced
- ... Dave. - uninfluenced
- ... Dylan. - uninfluenced
9. Medium: ... (The choice is available if you have had the interactions with multiple favorites)
- Apologize. - uninfluenced
- Pretend I don't understand. -1 Trust
If you have had the interactions with other favorites and Edwin knows about it: -5 Edwin, -5 Trust
If you have had the interactions with other favorites and Zach knows about it: -5 Zach, -5 Trust
10. Medium: ... (The choice is available if you have had the interactions with multiple favorites)
- Try to justify yourself. -1 Trust
- Speak openly. - uninfluenced
If you have had the interactions with other favorites and Dylan knows about it: -5 Dylan, -5 Trust
If you have had the interactions with other favorites and Dave knows about it: -5 Dave, -5 Trust
If you have had the interactions with other favorites and Sue knows about it: -5 Sue, -5 Trust
Your relationship is over.
11. Medium: ... (The choice is available if you have had the interactions with multiple favorites)
- I don't know what you mean. -1 Trust
- I do. - uninfluenced
12. Low: ... (The choice is available if you have had the interactions with multiple favorites)
- I found the book. - uninfluenced
- I read your story. - uninfluenced
13. Max: I want to help. (The choice is available if you have had the interactions with multiple favorites)
- Trust me. 35 Heart +3 Trust
- Trust me. 35 neon, +3 Trust
- Give me a chance. - uninfluenced
14. Medium: ...
- Accept. +1 Trust - move to 14.1
- Refuse. - uninfluenced, move to 15
14.1 Low: ...
- I'd love to. - uninfluenced
- Why not? - uninfluenced
14.2 Low:
- Take a right. - uninfluenced
- Take the left. - uninfluenced
- Hit the center. - uninfluenced
The Path of Redemption/The Path of Wrath/The Path of Pride/The Path of Lust
15. Low: ... (The choice is available if you haven't returned to the mansion alone)
- I am. - uninfluenced
- You remember something? - uninfluenced
- Not that it matters. - uninfluenced
16. Low: ... (The choice is available if you have Dave is ≤ 15)
- I think it's written in blood. - uninfluenced
- The book blank has your name on it. - uninfluenced
- The chapter describes your thoughts. - uninfluenced
The Path of Redemption/The Path of Wrath/The Path of Pride/The Path of Lust
17. Low: Dave...
- I understand why. - uninfluenced
- It hurts me that you didn't. - uninfluenced
- You had a right to. - uninfluenced
18. Medium: ...
- You were reckless. - uninfluenced
- You made the right call. +1 Heart
- You may have made a mistake, but you did the right thing. +1 Mind
19. Low: ...
- I agree. - uninfluenced
- I don't agree. - uninfluenced
20. Medium: ... (The choice is available if you haven't returned to the mansion alone and have love line with Dave)
- I feel so good with you. - uninfluenced
- I love you too, Dave. +2 Dave
21. Max: I need to finish this chapter and save Dave.
- God help me. 100 neon, +5 Redemption
- God help me. 22 Redemption, +5 Redemption
- I don't know why the hell I'm doing this. - uninfluenced
Chapter 3
Chapter's name: Envy.
Chapter's description: The greatest wealth is indifference to what others have.
If you have Mind is ≥ 14, The Path of Mind
If you have Heart is ≥ 14, The Path of Heart
If you have saved Dave, move to 1-2
If you haven't saved Dave, move to 3-5
1. Low: ...
— What do you mean? - uninfluenced
— Why are you here? - uninfluenced
— Do you know something? - uninfluenced
2. High: Maybe I should ask him? To make sure Dave's okay.
— Ask him some questions. (18 neon) +1 Redemption
— No. - uninfluenced
The path of Redemption
3. Low: Now I...
— Hate this place. - uninfluenced
— Feel lost in this place. - uninfluenced
4. Low: ...
— You're right. - uninfluenced
— Why are you here? - uninfluenced
— Do you know anything? - uninfluenced
5. Medium: ...
— To apologize to Dave. +1 Redemption
— Say goodbye to Dave. +1 Mind (If you have chosen in the episode 1 of season 2 "taking a closer look at the names.") / uninfluenced
— Swear to avenge Dave's death. +2 Wrath
Play as Amanda
6. Low: ...
— I was just passing by. - uninfluenced
— I wanted to support you. - uninfluenced
— I wanted to see you. - uninfluenced
7. High: ...
— Read more. (25 neon) +1 Redemption +2 Trust. Move to 8-10
— Skim through. - uninfluenced. Move to 11
8. High: ...
— I'll kiss him. (15 neon) - uninfluenced
— I'd rather go. - uninfluenced
9. Medium: ...
— Why are you laughing? - uninfluenced
— I'd better go. - uninfluenced
10. Low: He's my...
— Friend. - uninfluenced
— Neighbor. - uninfluenced
— Boyfriend. - uninfluenced
11. High: Last night, I fell asleep in these clothes.
— Shirt dress. - uninfluenced
— Suit. (20 neon) +2 Trust
— Sundress. (20 neon) +2 Trust
12. Medium: ...
— I didn't expect you to play this. +1 Mind
— This melody is beautiful. +1 Heart
13. Medium: (The choice is available if you haven't the love line with Dylan)
— You can see right through me. +1 Trust
— You are wrong. - uninfluenced
14. Low: ...
— We need to talk. - uninfluenced
— Something happened. - uninfluenced
15. Medium: ...
— What are you taking? - uninfluenced
— I'll wait for her to finish. - uninfluenced
The path of Redemption / The path of Pride / The path of Wrath
16. Low: Amanda!
— I'm serious. - uninfluenced
— You think this is funny? - uninfluenced
— Stop being silly. - uninfluenced
17. High: I must...
— Finish her chapter! (50 neon) +5 Redemption — Amanda will still be alive
— Get help! - uninfluenced — Amanda will die
18. Low: ...
— I fainted? - uninfluenced
— I died? - uninfluenced
19. Medium: ...
— Who are you? - uninfluenced
— Where am I? - uninfluenced
— What do you want? - uninfluenced
Chapter 4
The chapter's name: Gluttony.
The chapter's description: Gluttony is not hunger, but an inability to control your desires.
1. Medium: (The choice is available if Amanda has died)
I have to...
— Make a short speech. +1 Trust
— Be quiet too. - uninfluenced
The path of Redemption / The Path of Wrath -1 Trust -1 Redemption / The Path of Pride / The Path of Lust
2. Medium: (The choice is available if you have Redemption is ≤ 27)
What's gotten into me? It's Chloe!
— She sees me as a rival. +1 Lust
— She thinks too much of herself. +1 Pride
— That bitch pisses me off. +1 Wrath
If you have Trust is ≥ 50: The path of high Trust
If you have Trust is ≤ 50: The path of low Trust
3. Medium: (The choice is available if you have Redemption is ≥ 27)
— I'm sure. +1 Mind +1 Trust
— I don't know, but we can try. +1 Mind +1 Trust
— It's almost impossible. +1 Heart
4. Max: ...
— Take the Bible. (25 neon) - uninfluenced. Move to 4.1-4.2
— Don't take it. - uninfluenced. Move to 5
4.1 Low: ...
— Where did you get this Bible? - uninfluenced
— We've seen the same Bible before. Do you remember? - uninfluenced
4.2 Max: ...
— I'll keep the bookmark. (40 neon) - uninfluenced
— I'd rather leave it in the book. - uninfluenced
5. Max: No...
— I can't let him disappear again! (35 neon) +2 Trust. Move to 5.1
— I'm just imagining things. - uninfluenced. Move to 6
5.1 Low: ...
— Call by name. - uninfluenced
— Touch a shoulder. - uninfluenced
— Wave a hand in front of his eyes. - uninfluenced
Play as Jasper (The choice is available if you have chosen "I can't let him disappear again!" in 5)
The path of Redemption / The Path of Wrath / The Path of Pride / The Path of Lust
Play as Zack
6. Low: ...
— Offer Dylan another drink. - uninfluenced
— Send a girl over to him.- uninfluenced
7. High: ...
— Let's try to find yours. (15 neon) +1 Trust. Zack bought some time.
— Here it is. - uninfluenced. Zack spent too much time looking for help.
8. Medium: ...
— Kiss him. (20 neon) +1 Dylan (The choice is available if you have love line with Dylan)
— Talk to Dylan. (Free/20 neon) +1 Trust/+1 Dylan
— Talk to Logan. - uninfluenced
9. Low: ...
— You got that right. - uninfluenced
— None of your business. - uninfluenced
10. Max: Where is he?
— Chloe, wait. Have you seen Zack? (30 Redemption) - uninfluenced. Zak will survive.
— Chloe, wait. Have you seen Zack? (100 neon) - uninfluenced. Zak will survive.
— I need to check the kitchen. - uninfluenced. You lost too much time searching for Zack. Zak won't survive.
11. Low: ...
— Take the bottle away from him. - uninfluenced
— Let him do what he wants. - uninfluenced
12. Medium: ...
— I know what I'm doing! - uninfluenced
— Trust me. - uninfluenced
— Shut up! You're stopping me from thinking! +1 Wrath