Chapter 1. Curiosity. Risk. Temptation
1. The choice of clothes:
Bathrobe - uninfluenced
Silk gown - uninfluenced
2. The choice of underwear:
White lace - uninfluenced
Black lace 16 neon, +2 Fire
Black leather 16 neon, +2 Fire
3. The choice of outfit:
Twilight - uninfluenced
Sunset 22 neon, +1 Fire, You get an accessory to your chosen outfit
Night 22 neon, +1 Fire, You get an accessory to your chosen outfit
4. I guess...
A glass won’t hurt. +1 Fire
I don't want. +1 Ice
5. I’d like to have…
A whiskey. Double. 18 neon, +2 Fire
A glass of wine. 12 neon, +1 Fire
A mocktail. +1 Ice, move to 5.1
5.1 "..."
No, thank you. - uninfluenced
Okay. 12 neon, +1 Fire
6. It's better to...
Listen to the host. 15 neon, +1 Fire
Look around. +1 Ice
7. "..."
Uhm… I’m not so sure. - uninfluenced
Why, thank you. +1 Fire
Sorry, I don't drink. - uninfluenced
8. I guess I want to...
See what it’s like. - uninfluenced
Try it. +1 Fire
9. "..."
Yes. +1 Fire
Not really. +1 Ice
10. "..."
What is it? - uninfluenced
I’ve heard of it. 10 neon, +1 Fire
11. Hmm…
Watch the couple. +1 Fire
Disagree. - uninfluenced
12. So he is a master too!
Volunteer to model. +Fire
Stay silent. +1 Ice
13. I...
Wish he chose me to model. +1 Fire
Wonder if it hurts. - uninfluenced
14. "..."
Compliment their performance. +1 Fire
Leave them alone. +1 Ice
15. To see me?
No, thank you. +2 Ice
Sure. +2 Fire
16. "..."
Compliment him. +1 Fire
Say something neutral. +1 Ice
17. "..."
Yes. 32 neon, +2 Fire
Not today. +2 Ice
Chapter 2: Temptation. Secret. Seduction
1. The choice of clothes:
Kin - uninfluenced
Shinju 22 neon, +1 Fire
Karada 33 neon, +2 Fire
2. The choice of headdress:
Change it 25 neon, +2 Fire
Style it 15 neon, +1 Fire
free variant - uninfluenced
3. "..."
I was about to leave. - uninfluenced
Okay, let’s go. +1 Fire
4. Looks like today the show is going to be…
Hot. - uninfluenced
Boring. - uninfluenced
5. Crap!
That wasn’t on purpose. - uninfluenced
Sorry. - uninfluenced
6. "..."
I hoped the dress would help. - uninfluenced
Looks can be deceiving. +1 Fire
7. "..."
Nothing. - uninfluenced
I got scared. - uninfluenced
8. "..."
I want to try it. +1 Fire
I'll leave if I don't like it. - uninfluenced
9. I'm afraid...
Of pain. - uninfluenced
To regret it. - uninfluenced
10. I choose…
“Whiskey”. - uninfluenced
“Ice”.“ - uninfluenced
Fire”.“ - uninfluenced
Night”. - uninfluenced
11. "..."
No - uninfluenced
Yes +1 Fire, move to 11.1
11.1 Please…
Stop. - uninfluenced
Don’t stop. 2 flame, +2 Fire
Don't stop. 25 Fire, +2 Fire